How to create an EOS account? Easy! Step-by-step manual (with screen-prints)

Guarda Team
4 min readAug 18, 2018


A step-by-step manual on how to create an EOS account easy and fast

Hello, dear community.

You must have heard something about eosio.

Have you already questioned yourself, how to create a EOS account? Is it complicated? Expensive? And which site to choose for a new EOS account?

If that is the case, you’re the one for whom we wrote this extremely detailed manual. You’ll find lots of screen-prints and useful tips.

Let’s see, how to open a EOS account quick and easy with Guarda Web & Desktop Light Wallets.

Steps 0–5 are for those who don’t have a Guarda wallet yet. If you already have your Guarda wallet and you want to create a EOS account — begin by the step 6.

0. Go to the official Guarda Wallets site and press “Create a wallet”

Press “Create wallet”
  1. On the next page choose “Create a new wallet”.

If you want to choose the other option, “Import or Restore”, it means that you’re reading a wrong manual.

Choose “Create a new wallet”

2. At the next page concentrate to create a complicated password and NOTE it somewhere. Really, do it right now. When you finish, press “I’ve written it down” button.

Create a secure password and note it somewhere in a safe place

3. Here you have to carefully read all the 4 points and really understand, that to keep an access to your funds you have to take care of the file you’re about to download. Got it? Press “Confirm & Download Backup”

Read it attentively, confirm that you’ve understood, and press the button to download the backup file.

4. Save the file in a safe place, where:

( a ) you will not lose it,

( b ) it’s well-hidden from malicious eyes.

5. Welcome to your wallet!

The Guarda Web Wallet interface

6. Now that you have your Guarda Web Wallet, you can proceed to the EOS wallet creation. Please, press “Add wallet”

7. Choose EOS (that’s why we’re here, isn’t it?).

Click on the EOS pictogram and then on “Create”

8. Read what is suggested and click “OK, got it!”

Due to EOS requirements, one has to pay to create an EOS-account and also go through a few steps. It’ll be easy with Guarda, no worries.

9. Time to be creative! Choose an account name.

This is how your EOS wallet will be reflected in the list of your other wallets. Some names are already taken, so the name search might take some time.

You can just press “Generate” if you’re not into imagination exercises.

Note the name. Press”Next”

Choose your EOS account name

10. Once again: either train your creativity by entering your own private key, or press “Generate” for a quick and simple solution. Note the private key.

Enter your private key — or let your PC generate it for you

11. Welcome to the payment page!

For the moment, only btc is accepted as payment, other currencies will be added later. UPD.: now you can also pay with eos!

If you see “Insufficient balance” in red (like at the screenshot below) you have to go back to your wallet and add funds to your wallet.

Attention! The transaction fee changes frequently, depending on the amount of transactions in the bitcoin blockchain.

If you have sufficient funds, press “Confirm”.

The initial payment for your EOS account

12. Great! All you have to do is wait a few moments for the transaction to be completed.

Keep the window open while the transaction is being processed. It won’t take long!

13. Now you can see your EOS wallet appeared. Congratulations! Feel free to use it. You’re safe with Guarda.

Congratulations! You have just created your EOS wallet!

14. And the final, and crucial, step. As you have just added a new coin to the wallet, its private key must be saved in the backup file. So, please, do the backup again. Press “Backup” and then “Download”. Save the file in a safe place.

Click on the “Backup”
Copy or download the backup file.

15. Use your EOS account as you want to: send, receive, buy, exchange eos, or just feel confident knowing that you can do it within the wallet you have just created :)

Have you tried it? Please, share your experience of creating an EOS account with Guarda or by other means.

If you still have some questions left, we’re willing to answer them. Reach us out here, in other social media, or through the support services in apps.

Learn more on our official site



Guarda Team

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